Well the tree looks leafless now. It isn't absolutely and maybe there are about 100 leaves if you counted them. But up till yesterday counting looked impossible. The wind, yesterday and this morning brought down lots of leaves. Below is a photo of is what must be the last leaf on the tree to stil have some semblance of green. You can see the green (well it's more like yellow, really) just in the middle of the leaf. All around this solitary leaf are the buds ready come out in March or April to bring next year's leaves in their thousands.
The last green leaf
The little tree
Here is the other tree I've been photographing. It is a tree we have watched grow up out of the hedgerow. When we came here, about 40 years ago, it was invisible just part of the hedge. But it has been allowed to grow and is now a sizable tree. Probably it was 10 years growing in the hedge before we saw it and so must be about 50 years old. The photos below show the suddenness of the leaf fall in the wind and rain. Almost all the leaves fell during one day and a night.
The tree on November 22. This tree kept its leaves much longer than the big tree. Almost as green as summer.
November 27th, still most of the leaves are there, though they are all brown now.
November 30th . Still lots of leaves but they are beginning to go in the strong wind.
December 1 - the next morning. Nothing but a ghostly halo of leaves now. Tomorrow seeing the winds are strong it is liable to be completely bare.
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